檔案整理者 | 李振持 |
提交日期 | 02/08/2023 |
發佈日期 | 9/2019 |
研究名稱 | Career and life planning for Hong Kong youth development: Challenges and opportunities |
調查、委託機構 | The Education University of Hong Kong |
抽樣方法 | Convenience sampling |
調查方法 | Semi-structured individual and focus-group interviews |
訪問對象 | Secondary school principals , teachers, and students |
樣本數量 | Individual interviews: 24 principals and 24 career teachers Focus group interviews: 63 teachers in 24 groups; 316 students in 68 groups |
主要數字、結果撮要 | ~ Although the schools and the students widely recognize multiple pathways of CLP education, parents’ deep- rooted perception is hardly changed via parent education provided by the schools. ‘Multiple vocational pathways are collapsed due to parents’ insistence on completing secondary education in grammar school. ~ Five core elements of organizing the CLP activities: 1) Students’ self-understanding and self- efficacy; 2) Students’ motivation for and interest in CLP; 3) Students’ career exploration and decision on career goals; 4) Students’ career planning, management, and outcome expectations; and 5) Students’ life planning in their senior secondary education. ~ Integrating the CLP program into OLE as part of the regular curriculum is a mission-impossible challenge facing the principals, CLP teachers, subject teachers and students. It is worst that ‘other extra components, e.g. the STEM [science, technology, engineering and mathematics] education, are operated in parallel to the CLP education’ (the principal, S18). The challenge is rooted in the fact that the CLP education is an extra policy imposed on secondary education without a clear timeline and subject to the availability of funding. |
有關建議 | ~ Adjustable and flexible funding specific for whole-school CLP education can sustain the school-based and innovative CLP education in every public secondary school where the CLP-related teachers in multiple roles can have reduction of teaching load, and sufficient professional support (e.g. educational psychologists or social workers) is available. ~ Redesign of the whole-school CLP program and activities with personalized counselling and guidance can reach and inspire the students’ individual levels for lifelong personal career planning. ~ Space for professional development is imperative to maintain the school stakeholders’ continuing and professional support for development of quality whole-school CLP education. |
資料來源 | 研究報告 |
關注課題 | 工作及職業發展 |
關鍵字 | 職業、生涯規劃、職業指導、人生規劃 |