檔案整理者 | 陳詩雅 |
提交日期 | 17/02/2021 |
發佈日期 | 2/4/2019 |
研究名稱 | Guidelines on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep for children under 5 years of age |
調查、委託機構 | World Health Organization |
抽樣方法 | 文本分析 |
調查方法 | Systematic review |
訪問對象 | Children aged under 5 excluding the physical activity, sedentary and sleep needs of children with disabilities or chronic disease |
樣本數量 | / |
主要數字、結果撮要 | ~ Physical activity was associated with improved motor and cognitive development, psychosocial and cardiometabolic health in randomized and non-randomized intervention studies and with improved motor development, fitness and bone and skeletal health in observational studies. ~ There was no association between objectively measured sedentary time and adiposity or motor development and there was a predominantly unfavourable, or null association between time spent seated (in pram or stroller, for example) and adiposity or motor development. ~ There was a predominantly unfavourable, or a null association between screen time and adiposity, cognitive or motor development and psychosocial health, also there was a favourable or null association between time spent with a caregiver reading or storytelling and cognitive development. ~ Shorter sleep duration was associated with higher adiposity, poorer emotional regulation, impaired growth, more screen time and higher risk of injuries and there were no clear associations between sleep duration and cognitive and motor development or physical activity. ~ The most ideal combinations of sedentary behaviour and physical activity, thought to be beneficial for health (less sedentary time, more physical activity) were favourably associated with motor development and fitness in preschool children, both favourably and not associated with adiposity and not associated with growth, also the most ideal combinations of sleep and sedentary behaviour (more sleep and less sedentary time) were favourably associated with adiposity in young children. |
有關建議 | ~Infants should be physically active several times a day in a variety of ways, particularly through interactive floor-based play, children 1–2 years of age should spend at least 180 minutes in a variety of physical activities at any intensity and children 3–4 years of age should spend at least 180 minutes in a variety of physical activities at any intensity, of which at least 60 minutes is moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity, spread throughout the day. ~ Infants, children 1–2 years of age and 3–4 years of age should not be restrained for more than 1 hour at a time. ~Screen time is not recommended for infants and engaging in reading and storytelling with a caregiver is recommended for Infants, children 1–2 years of age and 3–4 years of age. ~Infants should have 14–17 hours (0–3 months of age) or 12–16 hours (4–11 months of age) of good quality sleep, including naps, children 1–2 years of age should have 11–14 hours of good quality sleep, including naps, with regular sleep and wake-up times and children 3–4 years of age should have 10–13 hours of good quality sleep, which may include a nap, with regular sleep and wake-up times. ~Favourable outcomes outweigh possible harms of combinations of more physical activity, less sedentary screen time and longer sleep duration, and that the greatest benefits result from meeting all three behaviours. |
資料來源 | 研究報告 |
關注課題 | 身心健康 |
關鍵字 | 5歲以下孩童,身體健康,心理健康,健康效益 |