檔案整理者 | 突破義工組 |
提交日期 | |
發佈日期 | 3/2000 |
研究名稱 | Teens of the night – The young night drifter in Hong Kong |
調查、委託機構 | Lee Wing Lin、University of Hong Kong |
抽樣方法 | Non-random Sampling |
調查方法 | Personal Interview |
訪問對象 | 15-17 years old night drifters |
樣本數量 | 60 |
主要數字、結果撮要 | ~ Over half of them had dropped out from school (51.7%). Also 66.7% of their parents’ marriages were intact and 14 respondents had runaway experience. ~ 61.7%of them had poor academic performance and 36.7% had poor conduct. ~ 57.9% had close peer group and majority of them were in their night-drifter group. ~ The length of engaging in night-drifting was from 3 months to 3 years and the reasons involved “To be with friends”, “Bored at home”, “Get use to this pattern” and “Enjoy the comfortable and relaxing mood”. ~ They would also engage in drinking alcohol, taking soft drug, petting or having sex in their “private nests”. |
有關建議 | ~ Implementing overnight outreach service ~ Increase the times of police patrol ~ Organizing mobile activity center ~ Increase the co-operation between social worker and police |
資料來源 | 研究報告 |
關注課題 | 異常或偏差行為 |
關鍵字 | 夜歸、邊青、輟學、家庭關係、朋輩關係、學業 |