檔案整理者 | 突破義工組 |
提交日期 | |
發佈日期 | 3/2000 |
研究名稱 | Personal concern and their causes: Perceptions of Hong Kong Chinese adolescent students |
調查、委託機構 | K.P. Hui、The Association for the Professionals in Services for Adolescents |
抽樣方法 | Non-random Sampling |
調查方法 | Self-administered Questionnaire |
訪問對象 | F.1-F.3 |
樣本數量 | 2103 |
主要數字、結果撮要 | ~ The respondents considered “study concerns and future”, “physical appearance” and “friendship” as more prominent concerns. The mean were 3.73, 3.3,and 2.4 respectively. ~ In causal attribution, they gave more weight to “school curriculum” (0.21), “their lack of ability and effort”(0.34) as contributory cause of study concerns and future”. Also, they weighted peer influence (0.37) as contributory cause of “physical appearance”. ~ In view of gender of the respondents, males have more “school related problem” (0.83) and “maladjusted behavior (0.82), and attributed their difficulties more to “peer influence”(0.82), “meeting teachers and parents expectation and “classroom discipline”. In contrast, females have more concern to “family”(0.75), “psychological well-being” (0.73) and “study”(0.79). And the females reported that “the lack of ability and effort” and family as contributory cause. ~ To make a comparison between the Top school banding, Low banding respondents reported more “family related concerns, “peer relationship problem”, “school related problem” and “maladjusted behavior between “ than the top one. In addition, low banding student referred more to “school related course”, “student ability and effort”, “school curriculum” and “classroom discipline” as the contributory causes. |
有關建議 | / |
資料來源 | 期刊 |
關注課題 | 教育 |
關鍵字 | 學習能力、學習困難、自我形像、違規行為、同輩影響 |