檔案整理者 | Ng Man Tim, Angus |
提交日期 | 17/08/2023 |
發佈日期 | 9/2020 |
研究名稱 | A Cross-sectional Study on the Relationship between Values and Socio-political Participation among Youth in Hong Kong |
調查、委託機構 | Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong |
抽樣方法 | Convenient sampling |
調查方法 | Online survey |
訪問對象 | Youngsters aged between 15 and 25 years old who were able to read Chinese |
樣本數量 | 712 |
主要數字、結果撮要 | ~ On average, respondents were involved in community activities (M = .92, SD = .68, Mdn = .77) less than three times in the past six months. There was no significant difference between respondents with secondary school education (Mdn = .81) and those with diploma or above education (Mdn = .72), U = 54563, p = .145. Results showed that respondents with religion (Mdn = .81) had significantly more frequent community activities than those with no religion (Mdn = .70), U = 50801, p = .022. ~ On average, respondents were involved in political (M = .98, SD = .76, Mdn = .87) activities less than three times in the past six months. Political activities scores in secondary school education group (Mdn = .62) was significantly lower than that of diploma or above education group (Mdn = 1.00, U = 43055, p < .001). Activism scores in secondary school education group (Mdn = 4.75) was significantly lower than that of diploma or above education group (Mdn = 5, U = 52704, p = .03). ~ The respondents with a diploma or above education were more likely to be classified as radicalists or antagonists than Forms 1-6 respondents, χ2 (3) = 23.4, p < .001. However, there were no significant gender, χ2 (3) = 1.94, p = .586, monthly household income, χ2 (3) = 2.00, p = .572, and religion, χ2 (3) = 7.34, p = .062, differences in the number of people in each of the four political intention groups. ~ Activists (Mdn = 13), radicalists (Mdn = 14), and antagonists (Mdn = 15) perceived universal values as significantly more important than dissociates (Mdn = 12), χ2 (3) = 108.35, p < .001. In addition, antagonists perceived universal values as significantly more important than activists, χ2 (3) = 108.35, p < .001. Also, antagonists perceived openness to change, self-enhancement and self-transcendence as more important than dissociates, p < .001, activists perceived openness to change, self-enhancement and self-transcendence as more important than dissociates, p < .05, and radicalists perceived self-transcendence as more important than dissociates, p = .048. ~ Group differences were found in social well-being only. Antagonists (Mdn = 11) had significantly lower social actualisation than dissociates (Mdn = 12), p < .001. It was also found that antagonists had significantly higher social integration and acceptance than dissociates and radicalists, p < .001. Likewise, activists had significantly higher social acceptance than dissociates and radicalists, ps < .01. Furthermore, activists (Mdn = 14) had significantly higher social integration than radicals (Mdn = 12), p < .001. |
有關建議 | ~ The alternative or innovative forms of participation were preferred and adopted by youth to actualize their political hopes and ambitions. New forms of engagement may be embodied across a vast array of alternatives, which are non-electoral and non-institutionalized forms of engagement. ~ In order to encourage young people to engage in legal political activities, it is a prerequisite to provide young people and young people-led organizations with adequate opportunities. Also, society should adopt an open-minded attitude to listen and accept suggestions and demands expressed by the youth. ~ Hyperarousal symptoms arising may have significantly alleviated psychological stress responses for an extended period of time. A multilevel approach with varied delivery platforms and remote delivery strategies (e.g. online counselling/support system) shall be established and made more easily accessible to the youth population. |
資料來源 | 研究報告 |
關注課題 | 社會民生、政治、法治 |
關鍵字 | 價值觀、社會參與、政治參與 |