檔案整理者 | 突破義工組 |
提交日期 | |
發佈日期 | 10/2000 |
研究名稱 | A study on the Motivational Strategy for engaging early drug abusers |
調查、委託機構 | Dr Cheung Kin Leung、Kwai Chung Hospital |
抽樣方法 | Non-random Sampling |
調查方法 | Self-administered Questionnaire |
訪問對象 | 15-30 years old drug abusers |
樣本數量 | 123 |
主要數字、結果撮要 | ~ 42.3%respondents was unemployed or school drop out. ~ 95.1% used more than one kind of drug at the same time and 82.9%were using more than three kinds of drug. Also the most commonly abused drugs were Cannabis (94.3%), Stimulants (91.1%) and Ketamine (69.9%). ~ 54.4% started with one kind of drug and then progressed to more types of drug use later on. And 40.7% started with Cannabis and 10.6%started with Stimulants. ~ After the six week’s follow up treatment, the percentage of regular users in intervention group dropped from 43.5% to 12.9% and the control group dropped from 41% to 36.1% only. ~ In addition, the mean score for Illicit Drugs Frequency and Usage (DFU) and Attitude toward Illicit Drug (AD) were lower in intervention group (mean = 13.78 and 27.46) than that in control group (mean = 15.12 and 29.43) 【P = 0.0046 and P = 0.001】. |
有關建議 | ~ To make commitment from Government and Hospital Authority, it will be helpful for resource allocation to drug abusers. ~ Increase the manpower of substance abuse clinics ~ To provide training course and practice opportunity for the frontline worker ~ Increase the co-operation between outreach social worker and medical staff. |
資料來源 | 研究報告 |
關注課題 | 異常或偏差行為 |
關鍵字 | 濫藥原因、失業、失學、濫藥習慣、戒毒 |