檔案整理者 | 曾欣懿 |
提交日期 | 06/08/2010 |
發佈日期 | 2/2011 |
研究名稱 | A Study on understanding our youth generation |
調查、委託機構 | The University of Hong Kong |
抽樣方法 | Random Sampling;Non-random Sampling |
調查方法 | Telephone Polling、Online Questionnaire、Focus Group、Personal Interview |
訪問對象 | 18-29 years old youngster |
樣本數量 | Telephone Polling:1020;Online Questionnaire:328;Focus Group:46;Personal Interview:20 |
主要數字、結果撮要 | ~ Since the research was split into four parts, the sources of this summary would be coded into the following codes: (1) Demographic and socioeconomic profile–Data collected from the Census and Statistics Department (DS); (2) Focus group studies (FG); (3) Telephone and online survey (TO); (4) Semi-structured individual interviews (SS). ~ Education and employment status: The educational attainment of aged 18-29 was higher than the older generation, over 50% have finished upper secondary education while more than 25% have completed post-secondary education. ~ Compared to the figures in 1996, over 90% aged 15-19 and 70% aged 20-24 earn less than HK$10,000. ~ Of online survey respondents, 76.2% never had a job promotion, and about 13.5% have received one promotion. Moreover, 20.4% strongly agree, 28.3% agree and 35.1% neutral about the statement that job promotion was difficult to come by (N=265) (TO). ~ Participants were considered energetic, passionate about life, and well-educated. Even though they sometimes feel frustrated about glass ceiling, they have string passion towards their career (FG). Also, the rise in the young generations education level has not increased job promotion. The rise in education has even leaded to some difficulties, especially for clerk, service workers, and shop salespeople (SS). ~ Attitudes toward Government and civil engagement: They have felt ignored and have grievances about the current mode of civil engagement. They want the government to address their needs and want to be listened to sincerely and genuinely (FG). Respondents said the government’s form of communication is rather conservative, e-mail and phone calls are limited in their ability to collect the young generation’s views. Face-to-face meetings are not interactive enough to appeal them (SS). Those who voted in the 2008 LegCo election have drifted from the political party they voted for. 63.5% have no favorable candidate or party in the 2012 LegCo election (N=208) (TO). ~ Family and related issues: 87% disagreed with the statement that marriage is an outdated institution (N=328). Of the 91% of the non-married respondents to the survey (N=307), 56,7% definitely want and 22.8%probably want to marriage (TO). Respondents are upset about govenmenr-developer shields to luxurious flats, and this hinders their confidence in being able to purchase a home in the future and presents a barrier to their plans to start families (SS). |
有關建議 | ~ Findings proven that young generation are looking for “space”, including social, mental, physical, and environmental recreation. ~ Government should initate and promote working environments that encourage healthy work-life balance. ~ A people-oriented home purchasing plan with a predictable timeline of homeownership has to be reviewed regularly. ~ Young generation is very net-savvy. A bi-modal approach including top-down and bottom-up agenda – but with genuine consultation across the community-will promote youth engagement. |
資料來源 | 研究報告 |
關注課題 | 社會民生、政治、法治 |
關鍵字 | 八十後、九十後、教育、就業、公民參與、政府評價、家庭 |